Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in Boulder, Colorado
A printed version of the proceedings is published by AMS and is available here. Registered participants receive automatically a hardcopy by mail.
Download the complete proceedings (140 Mo pdf)
Preface (pdf)
Part 1: Invited Presentations
Nonmatching Grids for Fluids
Yves Achdou, Gassan Abdoulaev, Jean-Claude Hontand, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Olivier Pironneau and Christophe Prud'homme (pdf) -
A Parallel Non-Overlapping Domain-Decomposition Algorithm for Compressible Fluid Flow Problems on Triangulated Domains
Timothy J. Barth, Tony F. Chan and Wei-Pai Tang (pdf) -
A Non-Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for the Exterior Helmholtz Problem
Armel de la Bourdonnaye, Charbel Farhat, Antonini Macedo, Frédéric Magoulès and François-Xavier Roux (pdf) -
An Agglomeration Multigrid Method for Unstructured Grids
Tony F. Chan, Jinchao Xu and Ludmil Zikatanov (pdf) -
Solution of Coercive and Semicoercive Contact Problems by FETI Domain Decomposition
Zdeněk Dostál, Ana Friedlander and Sandra A. Santos (pdf) -
An Iterative Substructuring Method for Elliptic Mortar Finite Element Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients
Maksymilian Dryja (pdf) -
Domain Decomposition Methods for Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
Magne S. Espedal, Karl J. Hersvik and Brit G. Ersland (pdf) -
A Fictitious Domain Method with Distributed Lagrange Multipliers for the Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flow
Roland Glowinski, Tsorng-Whay Pan, Todd I. Hesla, Daniel D. Joseph and Jacques Periaux (pdf) -
Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Saddle Point Problems
Luca F. Pavarino (pdf) -
Parallel Implementation of Direct Solution Strategies for the Coarse Grid Solvers in 2-level FETI Method
François-Xavier Roux and Charbel Farhat (pdf) -
Domain Decomposition and Multi-Level Type Techniques for General Sparse Linear Systems
Yousef Saad, Maria Sosonkina and Jun Zhang (pdf) -
Spectral/hp Methods for Elliptic Problems on Hybrid Grids
Spencer J. Sherwin, Timothy C.E. Warburton and George Em Karniadakis (pdf) -
Physical and Computational Domain Decompositions for Modeling Subsurface Flows
Mary F. Wheeler and Ivan Yotov (pdf)
Part 2: Algorithms
Nonoverlapping Domain Decomposition Algorithms for the p-version Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems
Ion Bică (pdf) -
A 2-level and Mixed Domain Decomposition Approach for Structural Analysis
David Dureisseix and Pierre Ladevèze (pdf) -
Iso-P2 P1/P1/P1 Domain-Decomposition/Finite-Element Method for the Navier-Stokes Equations
Shoichi Fujima (pdf) -
Overlapping Nonmatching Grids Method: Some Preliminary Studies
Serge Goossens, Xiao-Chuan Cai and Dirk Roose (pdf) -
Nonconforming Grids for the Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction
Céline Grandmont and Yvon Maday (pdf) -
Hash-Storage Techniques for Adaptive Multilevel Solvers and Their Domain Decomposition Parallelization
Michael Griebel and Gerhard Zumbusch (pdf) -
Extension of a Coarse Grid Preconditioner to Non-symmetric Problems
Caroline Japhet, Frédéric Nataf and François-Xavier Roux (pdf) -
On the Interatcion of Architecture and Algorithm in the Domain-based Parallelization of an Unstructured-grid Incompressible Flow Code
Dinesh K. Kaushik, David E. Keyes and Barry F. Smith (pdf) -
Additive Domain Decomposition Algorithms for a Class of Mixed Finite Element Methods
Axel Klawonn (pdf) -
Non-conforming Domain Decomposition Method for Plate and Shell Problems
Catherine Lacour (pdf) -
Solutions of Boundary Element Equations by a Flexible Elimination Process
Choi-Hong Lai and Ke Chen (pdf) -
An Efficient FETI Implementation on Distributed Shared Memory Machines with Independent Numbers of Subdomains and Processors
Michel Lesoinne and Kendall Pierson (pdf) -
Additive Schwarz Methods with Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for the Parallel Computation of Helmholtz Problems
Lois C. McInnes, Romeo F. Susan-Resiga, David E. Keyes and Hafiz M. Atassi (pdf) -
On the Reuse of Ritz Vectors for the Solution to Nonlinear Elasticity Problems by Domain Decomposition Methods
Franck Risler and Christian Rey (pdf) -
Dual Schur Complement Method for Semi-Definite Problems
Daniel J. Rixen (pdf) -
Two-level Algebraic Multigrid for the Helmholtz Problem
Petr Vaněk, Jan Mandel and Marian Brezina (pdf) -
A Comparison of Scalability of Different Parallel Iterative Methods for Shallow Water Equations
Arnt H. Veenstra, Hai Xiang Lin and Edwin A.H. Vollebregt (pdf) -
A Nonoverlapping Subdomain Algorithm with Lagrange Multipliers and Its Object Oriented Implementation for Interface Problems
Daoqi Yang (pdf)
Part 3: Theory
A Robin-Robin Preconditioner for an Advection-Diffusion Problem
Yves Achdou and Frédéric Nataf (pdf) -
A Semi-dual Mode Synthesis Method for Plate Bending Vibrations
Frédéric Bourquin and Rabah Namar (pdf) -
Overlapping Schwarz Algorithms for Solving Helmholtz's Equation
Xiao-Chuan Cai, Mario A. Casarin, Frank W. Elliott, Jr. and Olof Widlund (pdf) -
Symmetrized Method with Optimized Second-Order Conditions for the Helmholtz Equation
Philippe Chevalier and Frédéric Nataf (pdf) -
Non-overlaping Schwarz Method for Systems of First Order Equations
Sébastien Clerc (pdf) -
Interface Conditions and Non-overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods for a Fluid-Solid Interaction Problem
Xiaobing Feng (pdf) -
Overlapping Schwarz Waveform Relaxation for Parabolic Problems
Martin J. Gander (pdf) -
Domain Decomposition, Operator Trigonometry, Robin Condition
Karl Gustafson (pdf) -
On Orthogonal Polynomial Bases for Triangles and Tetrahedra Invariant under the Symmetric Group
Gary Man-Kwong Hui and Howard Swann (pdf) -
On Schwarz Alternating Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems
Shiu Hong Lui (pdf) -
Convergence Results for Non-Conforming hp Methods: The Mortar Finite Element Method
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and Manil Suri (pdf) -
Intergrid Transfer Operators for Biharmonic Problems Using Nonconforming Plate Elements on Nonnested Meshes
Zhongci Shi and Zhengjui Xie (pdf) -
Additive Schwarz Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
Yunhai Wu, Xian-Chuan Cai and David E. Keyes (pdf)
Part 4: Applications
A Minimum Overlap Restricted Additive Schwarz Preconditioner and Application in 3D Flow Simulations
Xiao-Chuan Cai, Charbel Farhat and Marcus Sarkis (pdf) -
Time Domain Decomposition for European Options in Financial Modelling
Diane Crann, Alan J. Davies, Choi-Hong Lai and Swee H. Leong (pdf) -
Parallel Modal Synthesis Methods in Structural Dynamics
Jean-Michel Cros (pdf) -
Efficient Computation of Aerodynamic Noise
Georgi S. Djambazov, Choi-Hong Lai and Koulis A. Pericleous (pdf) -
Non-overlapping Domain Decomposition Applied to Incompressible Flow Problems
Frank-Christian Otto and Gert Lube (pdf) -
A Domain Decomposition Based Algorithm for Non-linear 2D Inverse Heat Conduction Problems
Charaka J. Palansuriya, Choi-Hong Lai, Constantinos S. Ierotheou and Koulis A. Pericleous (pdf) -
Overlapping Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Methods for Inverse Problems
Xue-Cheng Tai, Johnny Frøyen, Magne S. Espedal and Tony F. Chan (pdf) -
Some Results on Schwarz Methods for a Low-Frequency Approximation of Time-Dependent Maxwell's Equations in Conductive Media
Andrea Toselli (pdf) -
Parallel Computing for Reacting Flows Using Adaptive Grid Refinement
Robbert L. Verweij, Aris Twerda and Tim W.J. Peeters (pdf) -
The Couping of Mixed and Conforming Finite ElementDiscretizations
Christian Wieners and Barbara I Wohlmuth (pdf)