- The Twenty-seventh DD meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, (July 25-29, 2022).
- The Twenty-sixth DD meeting in Hong Kong, China, (December 7-12, 2020).
- The Twenty-fifth DD meeting in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, (July 23-27, 2018).
- The Twenty-fourth DD meeting in Svalbard, Norway, (February 6-10 2017).
- The Twenty-third DD meeting in Jeju Island, South Korea, (July 5-10 2015).
- The Twenty-second DD meeting in Lugano, Switzerland, (September 16-20 2013).
- The Twenty-first DD meeting in Rennes, France, (June 25-29 2012).
- The Twentieth DD meeting in San Diego, California, (February 7-11 2011).
- The Nineteenth DD meeting in Zhangjiajie, China, (August 17-22, 2009).
- The Eighteenth DD meeting in Jerusalem, Israel, (January 12-17 2008).
- The Seventeenth DD meeting in St. Wolfgang-Strobl, Austria (July 3-7 2006)
- The Sixteenth DD meeting in New York, USA (January 12-15 2005)
- The Fifteenth DD meeting in Berlin, Germany (July 21-15 2003)
- The Fourteenth DD meeting in Cocoyoc, Mexico (January 6-11 2002)
- The Thirteenth DD meeting in Lyon, France (October 9-12 2000)
- The Twelfth DD meeting in Chiba, Japan (October 25-29 1999)
- The Eleventh DD meeting in Greenwich, Great Britain (July 20-24 1998)
- The Tenth DD meeting in Boulder, Colorado (August 10-14 1997)
- The Ninth DD meeting in Ullensvang, Norway (June 3-8 1996)
- The Eighth DD meeting in Beijing, China (May 16-19 1995)
- The Seventh DD meeting in Penn State, Pennsylvania (October 27-30 1993)
- The Sixth DD meeting in Como, Italy (June 15-19 1992)
- The Fifth DD meeting in Norfolk, Virginia (May 6-8 1991)
- The Fourth DD meeting in Moscow, Russia (May 21-25 1990)
- The Third DD meeting in Houston, Texas (March 20-22 1989)
- The Second DD meeting in Los Angeles, California (January 14-16 1988)
- The First DD meeting in Paris, France (January 7-9 1987)