The International Scientific Committee for Domain Decomposition
The scientific committee for the international domain decomposition conferences consists of at most 15 people. The current committee is listed below, followed by the statement of the role and function of the scientific committee.
Scientific Committee for the International Domain Decomposition Conferences
- Bjørstad, Petter (University of Bergen, Norway,
- Brenner, Susanne (Lousiana State University, USA,
- Cai, Xiao-Chuan (CU Boulder, USA,
- Dolean, Victorita (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
- Gander, Martin (University of Geneva, Switzerland,
- Halpern, Laurence (Paris 13, France, CHAIR,
- Keyes, David (KAUST, Saudi Arabia,
- Kim, Hyea Hyun (Kyung Hee University, Korea,
- Klawonn, Axel (Universität zu Köln, Germany,
- Kornhuber, Ralf (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany,
- Langer, Ulrich (University of Linz, Austria,
- Pavarino, Luca (University of Pavia, Italy,
- Widlund, Olof (Courant Institute, USA,
- Xu, Jinchao (Penn State, USA,
Role and Function of the Scientific Committee
- 1. Name, purpose and organization
1.1 The "International Scientific Committee for Domain Decomposition" is a non-profit organization. It is also known as, the WEB registered address (
1.2 shall organize conferences and publish proceedings in order to promote and advance the use of domain decomposition techniques in industrial, engineering and scientific computations. may participate in additional activities that support its overall objectives.
1.3 The day to day business is taken care of by the elected Chairman, he shall report to the committee in the annual meeting.
1.4 Changes to this document can only be made at the annual meeting when a majority of the Committee members is in favor of a change.
1.5 The Scientific Committee makes its decisions by majority vote, the Chair having a double vote in order to break ties. The committee can vote if at least half its members are present, if this is not the case then votes will be organized by email. Absent members cannot vote by proxy.
- 2. Publication of Conference Proceedings
2.1 Each conference proceeding is edited by appointed editors, at least one member of the conference local organizing committee and one member of shall be among the editors. The editors are appointed by the scientific committee. The editors are responsible for the scientific quality of the proceedings. The submitted papers to the proceedings shall all be subject to a peer review procedure before they can be accepted.
2.2 The actual production of the proceedings is the responsibility of the Chair of
2.3 The proceedings shall be published on the WEB by as well as in book form.
2.4 The cost of publication is covered by from a budget allocated and transferred to by each conference organizer.
- 3. Guidelines for organizers of DDM
The following guidelines have been established for the organization of a Domain Decomposition Conference. The local organizing committee will adhere to these principles unless exceptions are approved explicitly by the Chair.
3.1 General. The DDM conference is a non-profit activity carried out under the supervision of the International Scientific Committee. This committee accepts proposals for future conferences and selects the local organizer of the next conference. The local organizer is expected to carry out all practical and administrative tasks necessary to ensure a successful conference of high quality. In particular, the following points should be noted:
3.2 It is expected that the local organizer and the hosting institution contributes administrative services at no charge to the conference. Thus, the organizer shall not charge any form of personnel related costs to the conference budget without explicit consent of the DDM committee.
3.3 The registration fee for the conference shall be kept low, the fee charged by SIAM to SIAM members may serve as a guideline. This fee shall normally cover the cost of proceedings, conference dinner and other local costs for services of direct benefit to the participants.
3.4 It is expected that the local organizers expend a considerable effort in raising funds for the conference from all available sources, national research agencies and industry being prime targets. A (minimum) level of US $ 50.000 (2004 value) is suggested. These funds would normally be applied to cover local expenses for invited speakers, but equally importantly to reduce the cost for students and younger scientists in order to encourage strong participation from this group.
3.5 The local organizers shall provide a sufficiently detailed breakdown of financial aspects to the Chair of the committee within a month after the conference. Upon request from the Chair, further details of income and expenditure shall be provided.
3.6 The local organizing committee is fully responsible for any financial deficit that might arise. The local organizer shall pay 10 percent of the gross amount received in conference registration fees to This represents payment for services rendered by the International Scientific Committee. Any financial surplus after a DDM conference shall normally be divided equally between the institution hosting the conference and the Thus, 50 percent of any surplus shall be transferred to the DDM account.
3.7 Invited talks are normally allocated 45 minutes. Contributed talks and talks that are part of a mini-symposium shall be treated EQUAL with respect to time allocated. Depending on program considerations this can be 20, 25, or 30 minutes.
3.8 The local organizers shall compile a list of all conference attendees, including their name, affiliation, and email address. This list shall be available to conference participants at the conference and also communicated in electronic form to the DDM Webmaster.
- 4. Election of members to the Committee
A member's retirement from the committee, the election of a new member to the committee, and the election of the Chair are governed by the eight rules below:
4.1 The committee shall consist of members that reflect strong and broad activity in the field of DD from across the world.
4.2 The maximal size of the committee shall be 15 members.
4.3 The minimal rate of renewal shall be guaranteed by the election of at least one new member to the committee every second DD meeting. More new members can be elected subject to rule 4.2.
4.4 Any member can resign from the committee by sending a letter stating this (by e-mail) to the Committee Chair.
4.5 Any member that has not attended TWO consecutive DD meetings is considered resigned from the committee. (It was agreed that this constitutes clear evidence that there are other issues that take priority over the DD activity.)
4.6 If rule 4.3 cannot be implemented in light of 4.2 since no member resigned under rules 4.4 or 4.5, then the member of the committee with the longest continuous service on the committee shall resign.
4.7 Elections to the committee is organized by the Chair and carried out by e-mail among all active members of the committee. A previously resigned member can be reelected at the following DD meeting.
4.8 The Chair of the scientific committee is elected at every second DD meeting, for a term that lasts until the following election. Currently, elections are held at even numbered DD meetings. The Chair cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms. Only members of the Scientific Committee can be elected, and no member can refuse to be elected. The first Chair was elected at DD9.
- 5. Legal status shall be registered as a legal entity in Norway.
5.1 As such, shall have a bank account in its own name in a bank in Norway.
5.2, as a legal entity in Norway, shall have a board with two members:
(a) The current Chair of the Scientific Committee,
(b) A financial officer elected by the Scientific Committee.
The financial officer is authorized to manage the bank account.
5.3 The other members of the Scientific Committee are all equal members of and thus forming its general assembly.