Here you find information about the annual international conference on Domain Decomposition methods and also the proceedings of conferences which are available electronically. We are also listing other conferences about domain decomposition.
International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
- The Twenty-ninth DD meeting in Milan, Italy, (June 23-27, 2025) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-eighth DD meeting at KAUST, Saudi Arabia, (January 28-February 1, 2024) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-seventh DD meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, (July 25-29, 2022) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-sixth DD meeting in Hong Kong, China, (December 7-12, 2020) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-fifth DD meeting in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, (July 23-27 2018) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-fourth DD meeting in Svalbard, Norway, (February 6-10 2017) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-third DD meeting in Jeju Island,South Korea, (July 5-10 2015) (Proceedings, Invited talks)
- The Twenty-second DD meeting in Lugano, Switzerland, (September 16-20 2013) (Proceedings)
- The Twenty-first DD meeting in Rennes, France, (June 25-29 2012) (Proceedings)
- The Twentieth DD meeting in San Diego, California, (February 7-11 2011) (Proceedings)
- The Nineteenth DD meeting in Zhangjiajie, China, (August 17-22 2009) (Proceedings)
- The Eighteenth DD meeting in Jerusalem, Israel, (January 12-17 2008) (Proceedings)
- The Seventeenth DD meeting in St. Wolfgang-Strobl, Austria (July 3-7 2006) (Proceedings)
- The Sixteenth DD meeting in New York, USA (January 12-15 2005) (Proceedings)
- The Fifteenth DD meeting in Berlin, Germany (July 21-15 2003) (Proceedings)
- The Fourteenth DD meeting in Cocoyoc, Mexico (January 6-11 2002) (Proceedings)
- The Thirteenth DD meeting in Lyon, France (October 9-12 2000) (Proceedings)
- The Twelfth DD meeting in Chiba, Japan (October 25-29 1999) (Proceedings)
- The Eleventh DD meeting in Greenwich, Great Britain (July 20-24 1998) (Proceedings)
- The Tenth DD meeting in Boulder, Colorado (August 10-14 1997) (Proceedings)
- The Ninth DD meeting in Ullensvang, Norway (June 3-8 1996) (Proceedings)
- The Eighth DD meeting in Beijing, China (May 16-19 1995) (Proceedings)
- The Seventh DD meeting in Penn State, Pennsylvania (October 27-30 1993) (Proceedings)
- The Sixth DD meeting in Como, Italy (June 15-19 1992) (Proceedings)
- The Fifth DD meeting in Norfolk, Virginia (May 6-8 1991) (Proceedings)
- The Fourth DD meeting in Moscow, Russia (May 21-25 1990)(Proceedings)
- The Third DD meeting in Houston, Texas (March 20-22 1989)(Proceedings)
- The Second DD meeting in Los Angeles, California (January 14-16 1988)(Proceedings)
- The First DD meeting in Paris, France (January 7-9 1987)(Proceedings)
Other Domain Decomposition Conferences
- Conference in honor of Olof Widlund, Courant Institute, New York, (January 1998)