20th-24th July 1998
University of Greenwich - Avery
Hill Campus
Avery Hill Road, London SE9, UK
Second Announcement and Call for Papers
Domain decomposition is an active and interdisciplinary research area
that has drawn the attention of researchers working in many different fields.
The effort during the late seventies and early eighties was concerned primarily
with substructuring and block methods for elliptic problems. Research
work has been extended and applied in many branches of computational
mathematics in science and engineering. In particular, non-linear and multiphysics
problems related to industry and strategies suitable for parallel and distributed
high performance computing are of interest to the participants of this
series of international conferences.
This eleventh meeting will be the first in this series of conferences to
take place in the United Kingdom.
Its special focus will be on numerical analysis, computational
issues, industrial applications and software development for domain decomposition
The conference will take the format of plenary talks, minisymposia,
parallel sessions, selected graduate paper presentations and vendors exhibition.
All aspects of DD-based methods are of interest, including:
Numerical analysis of dd methods
Fictitious domain methods
Block and substructuring methods
Multigrid methods
Coupling methods for multiphysics
Heterogeneous dd methods
Mortar element methods
dd methods for high-order and spectral
dd methods for eigenvalue problems
dd methods for non-linear and time dependent
dd methods in computational fluid dynamics
dd methods in structural dynamics and aeroelasticity
dd methods in acoustics and electromagnetics
dd methods in oil field simulations
dd methods in social/financial sciences
dd methods for inverse problems
dd methods for boundary/panel elements
Graph decomposition
Mesh partitioning and load balancing issues
Strategies for high performance computing
Strategies for parallel and distributed computing
Software development for dd methods
Semi-automatic development tools for dd methods
dd methods for non-linear industrial/multiphysics
Scientific Committee:
Organising Committee:
Please e-mail the following to
dd11@gre.ac.uk by:
Student Participation
Limited funds will be available for graduate students. Please
contact the organisers for
Keynote Speakers
Ronald Hoppe (Augsburg, Germany),
Charbel Farhat (Colorado, USA),
Ivan Graham(Bath, UK),
Peter Deuflhard (ZIB, Germany),
Einar Ronquist (Nektonics, USA),
Bjorn Engquist (Stockholm, Sweden),
David Keyes (ODU, USA),
Frederic Nataf (Ecole Polytechnique, France),
Jacques Periaux (Dassault, France),
Mark Ainsworth (Leicester, UK),
Mario Casarin (Campinas, Brazil),
XC Cai (Colorado, USA),
S Nepomnyaschikh (Novosibirsk, Russia),
A Quarteroni (Milano, Italy),
H Kawarada (Chiba, Japan),
M Berzins (Leeds, UK)
and Enquiry:
Access to this page:
CMS Research
Copyright © The University of Greenwich,
Email for comments and suggestions: dd11@gre.ac.uk
This document was last updated: Monday, 16 February 1998