Adding an Unpublished Reference

A document with an author and a title, that has not been officially published.

Example for an unpublished entry:

Author(s):  Ben Belgacem and Yvon Maday
Title:  The Mortar Element Method for Three Dimensional Finite Elements
Note:  Unpublished paper based on Yvon Maday's talk at the Seventh International Conference of Domain Decomposition Methods in Scientific and Engineering Computing, held at Penn State University October 27-30, 1993
Key:  Belgacem:1993:MEM
Year:  1993

Enter your unpublished reference:

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Remember to separate the names of the authors by 'and', as in Petter Bjorstad and Jeremy Cook.
If you know the year, generate the Key by taking the first author's last name, a colon, the year from the year field, a colon, and the first letters of the three first main words in the title. Otherwise just drop the year in the key.

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